The UROMED CORAZOR® biopsy device is the first in the world to offer a semi-automatic and automatic mode.
It can be used conveniently with one hand and has a large and durable suspension mechanism. 3-point fixation of CORAZOR® biopsy needles ensures safe handling for the doctor. The gun also has special contamination protection, ensuring maximum safety for doctors.
The »CORAZOR®« biopsy cannulas and the new »CORAZOR®« biopsy device are perfectly synchronized with each other. The biopsy gun allows for exceptionally accurate and accurate sampling of tissue – especially with ultrasound procedures.
Designed with the highest needs
Phenomenal results
»CORAZOR ® « UROMED punch biopsy cannulas
Cannula selection 14G, 16G, 18G, 20G
For biopsy and soft tissue sampling.